Cookies policy

Find out how and why Edonys uses cookies

Article 1. Definitions

1.1. The Website: the Edonys websites (the “Service Provider“) and its secure portal (the “Platform“) as operated by Edonys, a brand of VIREO S.à.r.l., in any country whatsoever and under any “DNS” (Domain Name System) extension whatsoever.

1.2. The “Visitor” or the “User“: any visitor or Internet user who uses the Website, whether for private or professional purposes, including professionals in the fields of insurance, taxation, accounting, finance, real estate and asset management, who have professional access to the Services. Users are distinguished from Visitors by the fact that they have created an account to connect to the portal.

1.3.Personal Data“: any information relating to a natural person who is identified or can be identified, directly or indirectly, by reference to a name, an identification number, or to one or more elements specific to him or her, as defined by Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data applicable since 25 May 2018, including metadata.

1.4.Cookies“: a cookie is a small data file likely to be sent to the Visitor’s and/or User’s browser and stored within their terminal(s) (e.g. computer, smartphone).

1.5. Language used: this document is drawn up in french and may be translated into other languages. In the event of any discrepancy or contradiction between the French version of the agreement and this translation in English, the provisions of the French version shall prevail.

Article 2. Purpose of the Cookie policy

2.1. The Service Provider, as data controller and/or subcontractor (depending on the origin of the purpose of use by connected Users), collects and processes the Personal Data provided by the Visitor or User on the Website and the Platform.

2.2. The purpose of this Cookie management policy is to describe the practices applied in order to respect the privacy of all Visitors and Users of the Website and Platform.

2.3. Cookies are used on the Website and the Platform to improve their performance and provide a better browsing experience. Certain parts of the Website and the Platform also use cookies in order to get to know the Visitor and/or the User better and thus enable the Service Provider and/or its partners and subcontractors to offer them a more personalised browsing experience.

2.4. If they have any questions about the processing of Personal Data on the Website and the Platform, Visitors and Users may contact the Service Provider by sending an e-mail to the following address:

2.5. They may also consult the General Terms and Conditions of Use and the Service Provider’s Data Protection Policy.

Article 3. Use of Cookies

3.1. Cookies are not used to determine the identity of a person who is merely visiting the Website or the Platform.

3.2. They are used when consulting a product or using the Platform to monitor traffic trends in order to determine the location and language preference of a Visitor or User so as to direct them to the home page in the appropriate language when they visit the Website and/or Platform. These specific Cookies are called internal Cookies.

3.3. An internal Cookie file can only be created and viewed by the operator of the website whose page the Visitor or User is visiting and thus enables its issuer to identify the web browser on which it is stored, throughout its period of validity. On certain pages of the Website and the Platform, Cookies are used to enable the User to retain his/her identifiers and to connect automatically.

3.4. Third-party Cookies, which are Cookies from a domain other than that of the Website and/or Platform, may also be used for advertising and marketing purposes.

Article 4. What is the purpose of the Cookies issued by the Website and the Platform?

4.1. Only the sender of a cookie is likely to read or modify the information it contains. The Cookies used on the Website and the Platform make it possible to identify and keep a record of all the Visitor’s and/or User’s searches and consultations on the Website and/or the Platform, and to find out more generally about their behaviour in terms of visits and use.

4.2. This information is useful to better personalise the services and content that appear on the Website and/or Platform and to make browsing easier. Cookies are also necessary for the proper functioning of certain services or to measure the audience.

4.3. When Visitors and/or Users connect to the Website and, mainly, to the Platform, Cookies may be installed on their terminal, subject to their acceptance.

4.4. Cookies issued on the Website and Platform are used for the purposes described below. They result from the parameters of the User’s and Visitor’s browser software used when visiting the Website and/or the Platform.

4.5. Cookies are used to make browsing the Website and Platform easier and to improve the Service Provider’s services:

–> By adapting the presentation of the Website and/or Platform to the display preferences of the Visitor’s and/or User’s terminal (language used, display resolution, operating system used, etc.);

–> By storing information relating to a form that the Visitor and/or the User has/have filled in on the Website and/or the Platform (registration or access to the Platform account, request for a demo) or to searches, services or information selected on the Website and/or the Platform (search carried out, service subscribed to, content consulted, etc.);

–> By allowing the Visitor and/or the User to access restricted and personal areas of the Website and/or the Platform, such as the account, using identifiers or data previously entrusted to them;

–> By implementing safety measures;

–> By making it possible to compile statistics and volumes of visits and use of the various components of the Website and/or Platform (searches, pages and content visited, user path) in order to improve the interest and ergonomics of the Service Provider’s Services;

–> By keeping a discussion history when the Visitor and/or User contacts the Service Provider’s helpdesk via its chatbox.

Article 5. Types of Cookies used

The following Cookies are used on the Website and Platform during Visitor and/or User browsing:

–> .AspNetCore.Mvc.CookieTempDataProvider – Applicative (session cookie)

–> .AspNetCore.Identity.Application – Applicatif (security cookie)

–> RequestVerificationToken – Applicative (security cookie)

–> .AspNet.ApplicationCookie – Applicative (session cookie)

–> Language – Applicative (session cookie)

–> Consent – Applicative (session cookie)

–> .AspNetCore.Antiforgery.xxxxxxxxxx – Applicative (security cookie)

–> ASP.NET_SessionId – Applicative (session cookie)

Article 6. The issue and use of Cookies by third parties

6.1.The issue and use of Cookies by third parties are subject to the privacy protection policies of these third parties.

6.2. The Service Provider informs the Visitor and/or the User of the purpose of the Cookies of which it is aware and of the means available to the Visitor and/or the User to make his/her/their choice of these third-party Cookies.

6.3. The Service Provider may include third-party computer applications on the Website and the Platform. This is particularly the case for “Share” and “Like” buttons from social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, etc. The social network providing such an application button is likely to identify the Visitor and/or User thanks to this button even if he/she/they did not click on this button during his/her/their consultation of the Website and/or the Platform. Indeed, this type of button may enable the social network concerned to track browsing on the Website and/or Platform, simply because the Visitor’s and/or User’s account giving access to the social network concerned was activated on their terminal (open session) during browsing on the Website or Platform.

Article 7. The different ways of managing Cookies

7.1.There are several ways of managing Cookies. All the settings that the Visitor and the User may make are likely to modify their browsing on the Internet and the Website and the Platform as well as their conditions of access to certain services requiring the use of Cookies. The Visitor and the User may choose at any time to express and modify their wishes with regard to Cookies by the means described below:

–> Configuring the browser so that Cookies are stored on the terminal or, conversely, so that they are rejected, either systematically or depending on the sender;

–> Configuring the browser so that acceptance or refusal of Cookies is proposed from time to time before a Cookie is recorded on the terminal.

7.2.For the management of Cookies and the Visitor’s and User’s choices, the configuration of each browser is different. This is described in the browser Help menu. You can use this menu to find out how to modify your preferences with regard to Cookies.

Article 8. Cookies agreement

8.1. The recording of a Cookie in a terminal is subject to the Visitor’s and/or User’s wishes, which they may express and modify at any time, free of charge, through the choices offered by the browser.

8.2. If the Visitor and the User have accepted the storage of Cookies in their browser software, the Cookies embedded in the pages and content consulted may be stored temporarily in a dedicated space on their terminal. They will only be readable there by the sender.

Article 9. Rejecting Cookies and the consequences

9.1. If the Visitor and/or User refuses to save Cookies on his/her/their terminal or if he/she/they deletes the Cookies saved there, he/she/they will no longer be able to benefit from a certain number of functions required to access certain areas of the Website and/or Platform, in particular content or services requiring identification, language settings or display.

Where applicable, the Service Provider declines all liability for the consequences of the impaired operation of its services resulting from the impossibility of saving or consulting the Cookies required for their proper operation and which the Visitor and/or User has refused or deleted.

9.2.Visitors and Users may also deactivate audience measurement Cookies as follows.

–> For more information on how to set Cookies: ;

–> For “Google Analytics” Cookies, you can download the module accessible from the following address to deactivate them: ;

–> For Internet Explorer™: ;

–> For Safari™: ;

–> For Chrome™: ;

–> For Firefox™: ;

–> For Opera™:

9.3. For more information on Cookies and, more generally, on the rights and duties of Visitors and Users with regard to the use of their personal data, the Service Provider invites you to consult the law of 28 July 2011 on cookies and its guarantees of transparency and fair use of these techniques.

Other questions can be sent to with the heading: “User cookies”.